How to: Add AdMob to your MAUI app
One of the first things people think about when developing for a new platform / using a new technology is monetization; and in my case the question is: how easy is it to integrate AdMob? For .NET MAUI the answer would be: “It depends” – it depends on luck & on the complexity of what you want to achieve; but I will detail this as we move along.
In this article we’re going to look at how to display a banner ad using AdMob on both Android and iOS.
The first thing we need to do is add the platform-specific AdMob packages:
- for Android – add Nuget package
- for iOS – add Nuget package
Once the packages are installed, you might be running into some binding errors, the likes of:
Type androidx.collection.LongSparseArrayKt$keyIterator$1 is defined multiple times.
Code language: plaintext (plaintext)
That is due to conflicts between the bindings libraries referenced by MAUI and the ones referenced by the Xamarin packages we just installed. We can fix this by forcing a certain package version. In this case, we will want to install:
- for Android:
- for iOS:
Once these packages are installed, your project should build and run without issues on both platforms. Now on to the code. We start by defining our ad view:
public class BannerAd : ContentView
public static readonly BindableProperty AdUnitIdProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("AdUnitId", typeof(string), typeof(BannerAd), null);
public string AdUnitId
get { return (string)GetValue(AdUnitIdProperty); }
set { SetValue(AdUnitIdProperty, value); }
Code language: C# (cs)
Next, you want to create an empty handler for your view (we’re going to provide platform-specific implementations for this a bit later):
internal partial class BannerAdHandler { }
Code language: C# (cs)
And register the handler in your MauiProgram.cs
, right after .UseMauiApp()
.ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers =>
handlers.AddHandler(typeof(BannerAd), typeof(BannerAdHandler));
Code language: C# (cs)
With everything set up, it’s time to work on the platform-specific handlers. These go into the Platforms/Android
and Platforms/iOS
folders respectively.
For Android, the handler will look like this:
internal partial class BannerAdHandler : ViewHandler<BannerAd, AdView>
public static IPropertyMapper<BannerAd, BannerAdHandler> PropertyMapper =
new PropertyMapper<BannerAd, BannerAdHandler>(ViewMapper);
public BannerAdHandler() : base(PropertyMapper) { }
protected override void DisconnectHandler(AdView platformView)
protected override AdView CreatePlatformView()
var adView = new AdView(Context)
AdSize = GetAdSize(),
AdUnitId = VirtualView.AdUnitId
VirtualView.HeightRequest = 90;
var request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
return adView;
Code language: C# (cs)
And for iOS:
internal partial class BannerAdHandler : ViewHandler<BannerAd, BannerView>
public static IPropertyMapper<BannerAd, BannerAdHandler> PropertyMapper =
new PropertyMapper<BannerAd, BannerAdHandler>(ViewMapper);
public BannerAdHandler() : base(PropertyMapper) { }
protected override void DisconnectHandler(BannerView platformView)
protected override BannerView CreatePlatformView()
var adSize = AdSizeCons.GetCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize((float)UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width);
var adView = new BannerView(adSize)
AdUnitId = VirtualView.AdUnitId,
RootViewController = GetRootViewController()
VirtualView.HeightRequest = 90;
var request = Request.GetDefaultRequest();
return adView;
private UIViewController GetRootViewController()
foreach (UIWindow window in UIApplication.SharedApplication.Windows)
if (window.RootViewController != null)
return window.RootViewController;
return null;
Code language: C# (cs)
With the platform-specific handlers implemented, we can go ahead and use the BannerAd
view in our page. Go to your MainPage.xaml
, and simply add the BannerAd
within your layout:
<admob:BannerAd AdUnitId="ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111" />
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
And that’s it! If your run the app, you should now see a test ad being displayed on both platforms.
hello, could you please update your examples step by step. you code sample is not for new coders, its hard to understand what code goes where. i spend 2 days from your website link and Github sample to implement ad in my app and failed.
Hi jb, where’d you get stuck? Or what error are you running into?
Is run on .net 8?
To deliver ads in the EU it is necessary to ask for users consent otherwise no ads will be delivered.
I have installed Xamarin.AndroidX.Collection.Ktx version, and tried with multiple versions of Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Ads.Lite, starting with May 2023’s version 122.1.0 to version, but still, I am getting those build conflict errors like this one:
“Type androidx.collection.LongSparseArrayKt$keyIterator$1 is defined multiple times.”
I assume that this has to do with obsolete Xamarin-based NuGet packages that no longer support .nert Framework 8.