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  1. hello, could you please update your examples step by step. you code sample is not for new coders, its hard to understand what code goes where. i spend 2 days from your website link and Github sample to implement ad in my app and failed.

  2. jun woo jeong says:


    Is run on .net 8?

  3. To deliver ads in the EU it is necessary to ask for users consent otherwise no ads will be delivered.

  4. Hello,

    I have installed Xamarin.AndroidX.Collection.Ktx version, and tried with multiple versions of Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Ads.Lite, starting with May 2023’s version 122.1.0 to version, but still, I am getting those build conflict errors like this one:

    “Type androidx.collection.LongSparseArrayKt$keyIterator$1 is defined multiple times.”

    I assume that this has to do with obsolete Xamarin-based NuGet packages that no longer support .nert Framework 8.

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