
Implementation type Data.AppDbContext can’t be converted to service type Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IUserStore

This exception is thrown when you are building an identity DbContext without providing the user and role stores using AddUserStore and AddRoleStore. You can provide both configurations with a single call to AddEntityFrameworkStores like in the example below: The full exception for reference: System.AggregateException: ‘Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating…

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NET 8 – Serializing properties from interface hierarchies

.NET 8 adds support for serializing properties from interface hierarchies. This means that all the properties from all interfaces in the hierarchy will be included in the serialization. The most important thing is where you start. Let’s take the following hierarchy as an example: Now, during serialization, if you pass along a Derived2Impl instance stored…

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NET 8 – Deserialize into non-public properties

Similar to serializing into non-public members, you can deserialize into non-public members by providing a constructor with parameters matching the non-public member names and by annotating the non-public members with the JsonInclude attribute. Let’s jump straight to an example: Note how we haven’t annotated PublicProperty in any way and we haven’t included it in the…

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NET 8 – How to use JsonStringEnumConverter with native AOT

JsonStringEnumConverter is not compatible with native AOT. To fix that, NET 8 introduces a new converter type JsonStringEnumConverter<TEnum> that is compatible with native AOT. To use the new type, simply annotate your types as follows: Keep in mind: enum deserialization is case insensitive, while serialization can be cusomized via JsonNamingPolicy. What happens if you try…

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The type or namespace name InterceptsLocationAttribute could not be found

If you’re just getting started with interceptors, you might be getting one of the following errors: Error CS0246 The type or namespace name ‘InterceptsLocationAttribute’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Error CS0246 The type or namespace name ‘InterceptsLocation’ could not be found (are you missing a using…

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NET 8 – Mark JsonSerializerOptions as readonly

Starting with .NET 8 you can mark JsonSerializerOptions instances as read-only, preventing further changes to the instance. To freeze the instance, simply call MakeReadOnly on the options instance. Let’s take an example: Furthermore, you can check if an instance was frozen or not by checking the IsReadOnly property. Attempting to modify a JsonSerializerOptions instance after…

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NET 8 – Include non-public members in JSON serialization

Starting with .NET 8 you can include non public properties in the serialization when using System.Text.Json. To do so, simply decorate the non-public property with the JsonIncludeAttribute attribute. The attribute works with any non-public modifier, such as private, protected or internal. Let’s look at an example: As expected, this will output the following:

C# 12 – Inline arrays

Inline arrays enable you to create an array of fixed size in a struct type. Such a struct, with an inline buffer, should provide performance comparable to an unsafe fixed size buffer. Inline arrays are mosly to be used by the runtime team and some library authors to improve performance in certain scenarios. You likely…